Product Sections

We have a very wide range of reusable cloth nappies and related washable nappy products for your baby, plus a range of other accessories, as well as cloth menstrual pads too.
I was aware when trying to choose cloth nappies for my daughter that at the time there was very little information around to enable me to compare the benefits of different types of real nappy, and to find that contrary to popular belief washable nappies do not have to be terry squares that need folding, nor with modern washing machines and detergent do you have to spend hours of effort soaking and boiling them! Over time modern cloth nappies have evolved that are quick drying, modern in fastening and so easy to use. With the vast array of modern cloth nappy products about, we've brought the best and most comprehensive range of real nappies to one site. You'll find that we do tend to put in a lot of extra information about the nappies in use compared to other cloth nappy websites - we don't just churn out the manufacturers lines, which we hope will help you in your choice. All this nappy experience is gained over the 25 years plus we've been in business of advising people about nappies, so we can often tell you a lot about your baby just from the nappies you're using and how they perform! We also have a strict policy of giving you advice free of charge, and we won't pressurise you to buy things you don't really need. Many people express surprise when ringing for advice to find very often we can suggest a way of making things work for you at little or no extra cost, when they'd asked the same question on a parenting nappy forum or Facebook and been advised to ditch their current nappy system for a whole complete and often unnecessarily expensive new nappy wardrobe..... Ask us before committing to spend!We've written the key points about each nappy as a bullet point list so you can compare them easily, and for each nappy we've written a comprehensive review based on our experiences and those of our customers and testers as to how the nappy works and performs, which you will find objective and unbiased, since unlike many other well known UK nappy retailers we are neither manufacturers nor distributors of any brands of nappy other than our own label cotton terry squares. These nappy reviews are generally our own personal opinion based on use by our testers and customers, and not just the enthusiastic blurb written by the manufacturer, so you'll know from this 'in use' description of each nappy whether it will suit you and your baby. Naturally there is quite a choice, so if you do need further help in narrowing your choice of nappy please just ask, we're more than happy to answer your call or email and talk nappies! If you find the wealth of nappies available here a bit mind-boggling (and looked on a few other nappy websites to find the same), please don't worry - just phone us or email, and we'll be happy to help you.. You don't need to fill in a questionnaire but it does help if we can know a little about you and your circumstances (drying arrangements, budget, preferences e.g. organic, natural or synthetic fibre for quicker drying, fastening -poppers, Nappi Nippa or Aplix, and any information about your baby's build and height and capacity for drink (or if still waiting for babies appearance an indication of expected birth weight). I have endeavoured to provide a single source of information and supply for most of the major brands of modern shaped nappies available in the UK and from abroad, including the best selling brands.Comments etc.
If you're confused about the choice of nappies (and there's a lot) and need some help deciding which nappy to try please do not hesitate to call or email us.
A first stop for nappies: We've now been offering advice on choosing and using as well as selling cotton nappies for over 21 years, we were the first multibrand nappy seller to offer an online ecommerce shop, we introduced many product lines to the UK - but we have been about for 25 years! We have been featured several times in the National Press and on television, and we now carry in stock pretty much everything nappy-wise from birth to potty and a whole lot more too. Our online shop is secure and PCI complient so you can nappy shop in confidence. If you call us for advice, we pride ourselves in offering impartial advice - unlike many nappy sellers we're not distributors, exclusive retailers or wholesalers of any brands, although we do have a very few unique produict lines of our own, but we won't advise you to buy anything we think won't work for you or you won't need. We're well known for advising you how to adapt what you have to make it work than try and sell you something else. We have in excess of 2500 product lines in stock in our 600sqft warehouse. Great Service thank-you! S What efficiency!!!!! Ordered 3 minutes ago and already shipped. Fantastic !!!!!!!!! - J (Note this usually only applies to orders placed about 1pm from midweek as we try to get things in that days post - weekends, school holidays and bank holidays get in the way otherwise) We have a large section on potty training - trainer pants, and night time nappies, mattress protectors and Buppy pads for protecting the buggy or car seat.. However we always recommend to introduce the potty as early as you can in the first few months to catch those early morning nappy off wees when the cold air hits, as well as those poos you can hear the grunting and straining before they arrive. This way, when you <i>do </i>decide to start potty training later on with your independently minded 2 year old, at least your toddler knows what a potty is for rather than thinking you are somewhat silly because of course a nappy is the proper place for wees and poos....(And for those using Pampers pull-ups, of course your baby will wee in them rather than pull them down and use a potty because other than the way they fasten on they feel just the same as regular disposable nappies which of course are for weeing and pooing in... ) All real nappies have been thoroughly tested by our testers. I am aware though that all babies are different, as are all parents needs, though my extensive experience in over eight years of supplying a wide range of cloth nappy systems and products does mean that I may well be able to point you in the right direction to find a washable nappy system or combinations of products to fulfil your requirements. All our staff have used cloth nappies too. Often we will be able to recommend a modification to your current system to improve performance without having to buy new products.Thank you for taking the time to help me with my soggy son, even though there was no benefit to you. You have sorted my problem without it costing me a penny, other nappy companies were trying to sell me an entire new system! A very happy LS and a dry J.Do feel able to email me with your questions and queries about washable nappies, no matter how basic or trivial they may seem, even if you haven't bought the nappies from me. I will be only too happy to help.Housekeeping
Call Us - Nappy Help Line: Telephone 0118 969 5550
Sometimes when you call we may be up a ladder fetching nappy stock from the top shelf, out and about, or simply on the other phone line. Please leave a message if you get the answer machine.
(if dialling from overseas our phone number is +44 118 969 5550)
The Real Nappy Help Line is normally available when you are - so don't be surprised if we pick up even if you're expecting the answer machine at 7am or 9pm! It doesn't matter if you are an existing customer or not, and even if we don't stock the reuseable cloth nappy brand you have a query about, we are more than happy to help if we can - often our solutions will not cost you any money. If you do get the answering machine, please leave your name and number as well as the best time to call you back. This is not a premium or subsidised line so calls are charged at your telephone provider's normal rate. You may find the answer to your queries available as a download here: How to Nappy The comments and assessments I have made on this web site result from my own experience and those of our customers, however, I know that manufacturers do alter specifications and, as I have said, your needs and circumstances may differ from mine. You will understand that I cannot accept responsibility for any consequences arising from your purchases, but I shall always recommend any comments from you. We are open for orders at all times, our secure on-line ordering system is operational 24 hours per day, every day. Nappy orders are despatched on working days only, and are often packed at unusual hours day or night, so do please phone us if you need a next day delivery service to ensure this is possible.Our site complies with latest PCI recommentations and is certified PCI complient Visitors to our premises are by appointment only on Friday mornings 9.30-12.00.Real Nappies for London
We're pleased to be a supplier to the Real Nappies for London campaign - click logo for more information
If you live in London, many boroughs now offer voucher incentives of between £30 and £54 depending on borough enabling you to try out cloth nappies. Please visit the Real Nappies for London site for details of the voucher scheme available in your area. The real nappy online shop for all your cloth nappy needs