Tots Bots

Tots Bots was started in 2000 by one of my early customers, Fiona King and Magnus Smythe as they tried to find a trim but absorbent nappy to suit their second baby, and produced the early cotton Tots Bots nappies from their kitchen table....we've sold TotsBots products ever since!

Tots Bots are known best for their Bamboozle stretch nappy, and Easy Fit all in one. At the annual Mother and Baby Awards the Bamboozle Stretch scooped Gold for best reusable nappy in 2010, and again every year since Tots Bots scoop the best awards for their range of nappies

We stock

Bamboozle Stretch Two sizes of nappy in softest short pile bamboo terry, larger size can be used as a one size

Bulk Buy : Mini and Maxipacks of Bamboozle Stretch See our special prices

EasyFit A trim fitting one-size all-in-one fits birth to potty

Teenyfit Smaller version of the Easyfit, the conveneience of a slim all in one to fit premature + for the first few months

Tots Wraps Choice of funky prints in 4 sizes to go over Bamboozles and FlexiTots

Tots Bots Wet Nappy bags for transporting your nappies when out and about

Tots Bots
Tots Bots
Make your wrap an All in Two by adding a Nature Babies pop in pad set - get £3 off Tots Bots

Tots Bots

Tots Bots are the largest UK manufacturer of washable cloth nappies. Their factory is located in Glasgow, and their range of nappies are regular winners of awards.

Featuring Bamboozle Strech and wraps, also EasyFit for the convenience of an all in one.

Tots Bots Reusable Bamboo Baby Wipes - Print

Tots Bots Reusable Bamboo Baby Wipes - Print


PeeNut Bamboozle 3-in-1 Day to Night Absorbent Pad set

PeeNut Bamboozle 3-in-1 Day to Night Absorbent Pad set


Nature Babies British Made Tots Bots Compatible 3-in-1 Day to Night Absorbent Pad set

Nature Babies British Made Tots Bots Compatible 3-in-1 Day to Night Absorbent Pad set
